27 July Kidchella




Kids learning to skate, Bunny Racket going off, Lenny Pearce bringing the pump to nursery rhymes, adults and children getting sparkled.

Kidchella 2024 is lighting up the beach and esplanade of Surfers Paradise today with a pumping celebration that has drawn a large gathering of families. This successful family event is a joyous blend of fun and music, featuring fantastic kids' favorites set to infectious techno beats.

The energy is palpable as every generation bops along, creating a lively atmosphere that unites both young and old. Adding to the excitement, children and parents are flocking to the Glam Bar for face painting and be-jeweling, while the Art Bar offers a creative outlet with painting activities. Meanwhile, the photo booth in the retro kombi van is capturing unforgettable moments, ensuring that Kidchella 2024 is not just an event but a cherished memory for all.

Photos from Jul 27, 2024
Photos from 27 July Kidchella


Photos and videos from the streets of Surfers Paradise